03 October 2010

We iz off to gets smarts

We Weddings!

Well, Monday afternoon shootmyphoto.com will be in Nashville undergoing tutoring from one of the country's very best wedding photographers. It never hurts to continue refining what's already great! This seminar fills me with ideas for great images and a fresh look on lighting techniques.

I just received this quick email from this weekend's wedding couple, Dawn & Alex Wells:

"Thank You! Both Alex and I think you did an AMAZING job with the photos! They look absolutely stunning. We really appreciate everything you did for us. It made our day extraordinarily special. Thank you very much."

That certainly makes me smile. My assistant, Wendy, was having a blast photographing this fun couple as much as I was!
Give us a call at 812-437-4686 to discuss your wedding date!

My email also had a nice note in it this week when homeowner Greg Spalding wrote Remax Realtor Connie Nord to say:
It looks great, Connie, and please
tell Tim that we think it is excellent."

Home for sale with Connie Nord of Remax on King George Rd.
 This image is a full 360 degree panorama of their beautiful kitchen. Shootmyphoto.com has been doing the Virtual Reality (VR) for realtors for 4 years now! The Nords, Connie & Jerry with Remax, have been a customer since Day 1! Thanks guys!

OK, more good stuff to come soon! Stay tuned, same bat channel.